Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ain't Giving Up!

How I thought, I would be this that..
How I thought, I would be here there..
How I thought, I would be...
I thought and thought, I do not know how.

The deep recesses of what and what not,
The lump in my throat when I see that person,
The jump in my heart when I talk to that person,
The deep crevices in that rock, how they deepened,

Fools die! Heroes die! Commoners live! Why?
How I wished I would be the salt of the earth!
But hey, I have not given up yet.
I live, and I still dream of tasting success,
With the salt.Or without it, I do not care.

What is the sense behind the recesses and the jump?
And why did I mention the crevices and the lump?
How I thought, I would be there in them..
How I thought, I would be this that..
No idea, mate.

It's an illusory world. You better ask about how's
In classrooms and labs, my dear.
You may get quick answers there,
Not in this world, not in this world.

But hey, I have not given up yet.
For I still am in the search committee.
I am still curious and I won't give up.
I am waiting to taste something known as success.    

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